Thank you for contacting us about employment opportunities.

We will get back to you via telephone or email as soon as we examine your inquiry. We would appreciate your patience in case we take some time to return to you.

"Required" is an input required field.

There may be cases in which we are unable to get back to you when, for example, your contact address is misrepresented, or in the case of system failure. We would appreciate your calling us to check when you have not received our return email for long.

Type of job desiredOptional
Date of BirthRequired Year Month Day
Home AddressRequired Zip Code
House number
Name of building/apartment
Telephone numberRequired
Present status of employmentRequired

I would be able to start working:Required
About a facility tour of ESHOptional

For those considering employment at ESH and wishing to take a facility tour, please enter the dates of your choice.

1st choice:  
year month day
2nd choice: 
year month day
Questions, your qualities, etc.Required

About handling personal information (Private Policy)

In recognition of the importance of protecting personal information, we have devised protection policies and will exert our utmost efforts to secure appropriate handling of personal information. Regarding collection, use and control of the information, we have determined the rules, regulations and methods to put in practice as specified in the following and will observe them most strictly hereafter.

Principle rules on collection, use and provision of personal information

  • ESH shall collect personal information, when it does so directly, in accordance with the relevant laws and in a fair manner with the prior consent from the person in question or his/her lawful guardian.
  • ESH shall collect personal information by clarifying the purpose of its use to the person in question and shall limit the use of the information strictly to fulfilling that purpose only.
  • ESH shall not collect the personal information of a highly sensitive nature without clear consent of the person in question, or unless in cases of emergency involving life-threatening risks or physical danger to that person, or unless his/her properties in dire need of protection.
  • In the case of being commissioned by or commissioning to the outside parties for the work of processing personal information, ESH shall regulate articles regarding protection, re-commissioning, accountability on the liabilities incurred in case of accidents, return or delete of the personal information at the end of the contract and shall abide by the regulations.
  • ESH shall limit the use and the provision of the personal information to the framework agreed upon by the person in question.

About control of personal information

  • ESH shall take the measure to maintain the exact quality, and shall prohibit unlawful access, loss, damage, tampering or leakage of the personal information collected by ESH directly or through commissioned contract.
  • When entrusted the work of processing personal information, ESH shall confirm that the information was collected lawfully and fairly with the prior consent of the person in question.

Laws and rules

ESH shall observe the relevant laws and rules stipulated and practiced in Japan pertaining to personal information and shall strive to make continued improvement on the policies stated herein.

About inquiry from the person on his/her personal information

ESH shall deal reasonably and swiftly with the inquiry made by the person on handling his/her personal information. For more information or a request for confirmation on personal information, please contact us by the following telephone or email : (TEL:0463-61-0007 or click here to go to email form)

Social Welfare Corporation Elizabeth Saunders Home